Leah Daughtry

Professional Services

Community Connections

No successful enterprise operates as an island. Your success depends on your ability to connect to the community you serve, the audience you seek, and the people who can help you achieve your objective.

Our connections are deep and broad and we’re ready to put them to work for you.  Need to vet your new idea with trusted thought leaders?  Want to get to know the Faith community better?  Need a strategy for outreach to a specific community?  Let us help you craft a strategy that will connect you to the right people so that you can build the right relationships to put you on the path to success.

The right strategy + the right relationships = success



  • Developing an outreach strategy that gets you to the right people in the right places.
  • Identifying stakeholders and thought leaders who can impact and advance your agenda
  • Connecting you to key community leaders for real, “of the people” feedback.


Let’s Talk

We’d love to talk with you about we can help you.  Contact us and let’s start the conversation.